一般社団法人 デジタル出版者連盟 Digital Publishers Federation of Japan (former : The Electronic Book Publishers Association of Japan)

各種勧告・資料 各種勧告・資料

EPUB 3.0 日本語組版要望表

Japanese typesetting expressions manual (English version)


EPUB3 began to move as the format that is recognized in the world, and it was implemented representation of Japanese language, as a result, it has attracted attention as a new format for Japanese, and The move to practical use is progressing.

In our association, was established the (EPUB viewer verification team) working group at the end of 2011.
This team objective is the research and investigation in EPUB3, but we found that there is a problem on EPUB3 in the course of activities.
Such as lack of Japanese typesetting expression, Specification of the viewer that can not be represented as intended.

So we have conducted a survey on “Priority of Japanese typesetting items for EPUB viewer” to the member companies, we examined the item Japanese typesetting required EPUB viewer.

(1) If not implemented, we will not be able to deliver e-books that have accumulated.
(2) It is detrimental to the e-book we produce future.
(3) Need in the future.
(4) Either good now.

The member companies, sift through either.
Scored as (1) 4 point, (2) 3 point, (3) 2 point, (4) 1 point, the answer of their respective owners.
We was counting the needs of member companies of all 41 companies.

We release this aggregate result as “Table to demand the Japanese typesetting in EPUB3”.
This purpose is the dissemination of EPUB3 that has more versatility.
In addition, We have prepared the “Japanese typesetting expression manual”.
In this manual, we have explained the contents and examples of typesetting used items in question items of the “table to demand the Japanese typesetting in EPUB”.
This table summarizes the needs of publishers at the moment.
Everyone involved in the Japanese EPUB, please see.
When it is the decision of viewer design and specifications and e-book content services EPUB3, please consider the needs of us.

For screen display of work by the publisher to deliver.
In the course of the spread of EPUB3 in e-book format, we will continue to actively promote the activities because it is not impaired.

Japanese typesetting expressions manual (English version)

EPUB3 Petition of Japanese typesetting (Japanese version)

“EPUB3 Petition of Japanese typesetting” is released on June 21, 2012.
“Japanese typesetting expressions manual” is a description of this petition.

Not accept contact by telephone. Please contact us by contact form

「EPUB 3.0日本語組版要望表」を公開します


当協会では、EPUB 3に対する調査を目的に、昨年暮にワーキンググループ(EPUBビューア検証チーム)を立ち上げました。このチームの活動の過程で、EPUB 3には日本語の組版表現上足りていない点があることや、コンテンツの見え方を決定するビューア側の仕様によっても意図どおりに表示できない等の可能性があることが判ってまいりました。

このたび、この集計結果を「EPUB 3.0日本語組版要望表」としてまとめ、より汎用性の高いEPUB 3を普及することを目的に公表いたします。要望表の設問項目中に用いられている組版項目の内容や実例を説明した「組版表現説明書」も付しておりますので、併せてご覧ください。

この要望表は、現時点での出版社の要望をまとめたものとして、日本語EPUBに関わる関係者の皆様にぜひご覧いただきたく存じます。とりわけEPUB 3の電子書籍コンテンツサービスやビューア設計・仕様の決定をされる際には、ぜひともご配慮をいただければ幸いです。

当協会では、電子書籍のフォーマットとしてEPUB 3が普及する上で、出版社の配信するコンテンツの見え方が損なわれないための活動を、今後とも積極的に推進していく所存です。


■EPUB 3.0日本語組版要望書:EPUB 3.0日本語組版要望書
